Ski resort sees 2.2MM growth in revenue

Ski resort sees 2.2MM growth in revenue with full-funnel strategy

Ski Resort
Campaign Length
Several Months

Large Designated Market Area (DMA) in the Midwest.

Total Investment


  • Increase overall revenue and profitability by achieving pre-determined thresholds for click-through rates (CTR), view rates, and return on investment (ROI).
  • Obtain detailed tracking and reporting on conversions (defined as room reservations, lift tickets, spa bookings, and golf tee time reservations).
Strategy & Solution
  • Our Select team recommended a full-funnel strategy to achieve the overall goal of gaining conversions.
    • Top-funnel solutions like display and video helped to generate branding, awareness, and interest.
    • Pairing with a lower-funnel tactic like SEM enabled our campaigns to push potential customers along the buyer’s journey towards conversion.
  • The display and video campaigns targeted ski enthusiasts, golfers, families with children in their households, and vacation seekers. Income and age filters were also applied to ensure we effectively reached the client’s ideal audience.
  • Our team used look-a-like modeling based on data collected from pixels placed on their website to extend reach and employed site retargeting to remind visitors who had left the website without engaging about the ski resort’s offerings.
  • The campaign’s success so far can be attributed to having clear expectations and key performance indicators (KPIs) defined from the beginning of the campaign during the kickoff call. Monthly check-in calls with the advertiser enable us to share progress and suggest campaign improvements based on our data and reporting.
Revenue Growth
$ 0 MM+
Return on Investment (ROI)
0 x
Revenue Growth
Revenue Growth